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Sabre d'officier d'infanterie de la Garde Royale suisse, modèle 1821, époque Restauration, poignée en laiton doré, fusée en cuir et filigrane tressé, dos de lame marqué : Manufacture Royale de Klingenthal, juin 1823. Tiers des pans de lame bleui et doré à décor de symboles de la royauté et inscriptions : INFANTERIE et GARDE ROYALE. Fourreau en cuir et laiton, long. 74,4 cm (lame)

Sur le haut du fourreau, gravé : "P. de Diesbache".
Très certainement le sabre de Philippe de Diesbach de Belleroche (1806-1871), officier au 7e régiment de la garde royale (1er régiment suisse), fils de Romain et frère aîné d'Alphonse, dont le frac est proposé dans notre vente.

Ordre de la Toison d'or, Autriche ou Espagne, fondé en 1430, bijoux de chevalier en or et émail, premier tiers du XIXe s., la dépouille du bélier à tête de profil est suspendue aux emblèmes de Philippe le Bon, fondateur de l'Ordre, composé d'un silex d'où jaillissent des flammes surmontées d'un briquet orné de deux scènes où Jason tue le dragon, puis présente la Toison aux Argonautes. La devise de l'Ordre figure en lettres d'or de part et d'autre des volutes du briquet : "PRETIVM LABORVM NON VILLE / NON ALIVD", ruban avec coulant en or émaillé polychrome, poids brut : 84 g.

Parmi les familles suisses, seule la famille de Watteville (avec sa branche comtoise), au service de la Savoie puis de l'Espagne, au XVIIe siècle, eut l'honneur de recevoir la Toison d'Or, avec Charles (1605-1670), baron de Watteville, marquis de Conflans (brevet n°490, 1670), Jean-Charles de Watteville (1628-1699), marquis de Conflans (brevet n°510, 1675), et son fils Charles Emmanuel de Watteville (brevet no 610, 1700).
Ordre de la Jarretière, fondé en 1348, Angleterre, jarretière en soie bleue foncée intégralement décorée de motifs en or (frises, rinceaux, boucles, et devise), XXe s., dans un écrin en velours bleu, long. 31 cm, poids total : 74 g.
Ordre de la Jarretière, fondé en 1348, Angleterre, de Chevalier en argent ciselé, début XIXe s., les rayons percés aux pointes pour être cousus sur l'habit, jarretière émaillée bleue, croix de Saint-Georges en or émaillé rouge, 11 x 9 cm
Congressional Medal in honnor of Major General Alexander Macomb (1782-1841) presented by the President of the United State by Congress' request, produced by the United States mint, commemorating his achievements at the Battle of Plattsburgh on 11 September 1814. The obverse represents the bust of Major General Alexander Macomb in military uniform. The reverse represents a view of the Battle of Plattsburgh with troops crossing the Saranac river in the foreground, the fortifications and town in flames, with the naval battle in the background, diam. 6.4 cm, 248g 

American military hero, appointed Commander-in-chief of the United States Army, was acclaimed "The Hero of Plattsburgh" after the astounding victory at the Battle of Plattsburgh. Born on April 3, 1782, son a military great, he started his career with the New York Rangers in 1798. Graduating from the Military Academy in 1802, he was promoted successively to Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Adjudant general, Brigadier, Major General in 1819 and then General-in-chief of the Army in 1828.   
The certificates of appointment bear the signatures of Presidents such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.  Great mind and astute strategist, Alexander Macomb was the author of "The Practice of Courts Martial" published in 1840 before his death in 1841.

At the Battle of Plattsburgh on September 11 1814, General Macomb fought off the British invasion. Using his knowledge of the land and with ingenious manoeuvres, the enemy was held off until the victory at Lake Champlain. This battle is one of the most impressive in American history. Only 3,400 troops were deployed against 11,000 of the British allied forces. Being a great strategist, the General employed a manoeuvre known as abatis which involves knocking down trees to form a barrier and create a fortification. This was very skilfully executed hence the British numbers diminished rapidly.

In recognition for his services, the President awarded Major General Macomb with a unique gold medal by the resolution of Congress on November 3, 1814 which commemorated this battle.  The resolution stated Resolutions, expressive of the sense of Congress, of the gallantry and good conduct with which the reputation of the arms of the United States has been sustained by the Major General Macomb. The medal was officially awarded to him in 1815 by President of the United States, James Madison.  

Along with the medal is a handwritten letter issued by the United States Department of War dated May 26, 1815 and signed by War secretary Alexander J. Dallas (1759-1817). This letter informs General Macomb of the resolution of Congress and his being awarded a gold medal by the President of the United States.

Major General Alexander Macomb remains an important figure in American history. A town founded in 1830 was also named after him; Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois. Road names and monuments also pay tribute to Major General Macomb as well as his bronze statue in Detroit and funerary monument at the Congress of Washington.

Provenance: by direct descent, Susan Watts Macomb (1849-1928). The grand-daughter of Major General Macomb, Susan Watts Macomb married Frederic Sears I Grand d'Hauteville. The medal has remained in the family to the present day.

Rare National double sided Flag of the Confederate States of America from the Civil War of 1861, war prize of the Captain of the Union Army, Baron Frederic-Sears Grand d'Hauteville (1838-1918), known as Lone Star with one star in the middle (5th Regiment of Texas). The back side with 11 stars (Stars and Bars). This first national flag design bears 11 white stars (in circle formation with 1 in the centre) within a blue square in the top right corner over 3 horizontal bands: 2 red and 1 white in the middle. This flag was designed by German-American Nicola Marschall (1829-1917) in Marion, Alabama. This version was used from July 1861 until November of that year. The stars represent the 11 Confederate States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia) just before the admission of Kentucky and Missouri.
The flag is made of six individual pieces of cotton with cotton stars applied and hand sewn together, 159x98.5 cm  
A paper hand written note tacked on to the flag reads: "Taken by F.S. G d'H (le Baron Frederic-Sears Ier Grand d'Hauteville (1838-1918)) in 1862 and given by him to E.S.H. (most likely his mother Ellen Sears (1820-1862))
To be given to Freddie d'Hauteville (his son Frederic Sears II Grand d'Hauteville (1873-1944)) when he is fifteen".
Notes: due to the flag's blatant similarity to the "Stars and Stripes" flag of the northern union of States, this design was abandoned in 1863 to be replaced by the version featuring a blue cross with white stars and a red background.  

Provenance : property of Baron Philippe Grand d'Hauteville, this flag was passed down through the family. It was conserved in the family archives at Hauteville Manor until 1989 when it was transferred to the Canton (State) of Vaud Archives and remained there until 2006 when it was moved to Lausanne's History and Archeology Museum.
Soubreveste de mousquetaire de la 2ère compagnie dite “noire”, époque Première Restauration, 1814-1815
Corps en drap bleu nuit très foncé orné en bordure de deux galons d’argent, l’un de 13 mm, l’autre de 28 mm. 
Au plastron et sur le dos, croix de mousquetaire en passementerie d’argent (h. 25 et 22,5 cm). Ouverture par des crochets sur l'épaule gauche et verticalement sous le bras du même côté. Intérieur doublé de soie blanche
Casque de la 2ème compagnie de mousquetaires de la Maison Militaire du Roi, dit "mousquetaires noirs", modèle 1814, Première Restauration. Bombe, visière, cimier et garnitures en cuivre plaqué d'argent. Visière et couvre-nuque bordé de laiton. Devise de la compagnie sur le bandeau ALTERIUS JOVIS ALTERA TELA. Croix frontale de la compagnie en laiton doré et argenté et cuivre argenté. Jugulaires à écailles surmontées de cocardes à têtes de Minerve sur fond de faisceau de foudres. Cimier et masque de cimier décorés de foudres rayonnants. Crinière en crin noir sur bande de cuir, d'époque. Coiffe intérieure en cuir et soie marquée en lettres d'or  Mr LE C.te DE S.M.
Edouard Detaille (1848-1912), Sixième Régiment de chasseur à cheval, 1900, gouache sur papier, signée et datée, 48 x 39 cm (à vue)

Empire autrichien, Marie-Thérèse (1740-1780), 5 ducats en or, 1754, Vienne, tranche feuillagée, diam. 3,4 cm, 17,4 g.

Sabre d'officier d'infanterie de la Garde Royale suisse, modèle 1821, époque Restauration, poignée en laiton doré, fusée en cuir et filigrane tressé, lame marquée Coulaux Frères et Klingenthal. Moitié des pans de lame bleuie et dorée à décor de symboles de la royauté et inscriptions : INFANTERIE et GARDE ROYALE. Fourreau en cuir et laiton, long. 75,3 cm (lame)